What is it all about ?
A brief summary of the rental System:
You have already been collecting data using drones. You experienced that they do a good job and now you want to step your game up. You want to do the same things you have been doing but :
Further Away
You need more range
At Bigger Areas, Longer Routes
You need more flight time
Using Different Sensors
You need more payload capacity and flexibility
Much Faster
You need higher flight speed, sensor fusion, foolproof operation
At a more Predictable Cost
You need exact cost of operation per flight hour
And you still want it to be :
Thats where we come in.
The rental system provides you with the simple solution to be able to use the systems you want for a period of time without being concerned about anything but your job.
We have defined a system that will provide you with everything you need : all equipment, spares, training and maintenance during your rental so that you can focus on the task at hand.
The system starts with you defining the ConOps and aerial data requirements. You will choose your payloads, rental duration -1 to 36 months- and package. Our team will use this information to define and provide you with a plan. Your payloads will be integrated to the system, your team will be trained, your systems and spares prepared and delivered to you.
Once you confirm that the system is performing as advertised and agreed upon and you are ready to start flying, the rental period starts and you will only need to pay your monthly rent.
VTOL (RunwayIndependent)
55 Kg MaximumTakeoff Weight, 4.7m Wingspan
6 Hours Endurancewith 5Kg Payload
80 km/h cruisespeed
Below Cloud, HighWind resistance,Rain proof
+50 LOS C2 (withbackup)SATCOM option
Handover, mobileGCS, Relay, Swarmready, CAN network
Very small Carbonfootprint
The Rental System
User defines ConOps and performance measures
User defines choice of Payload(s)
User chooses rental period, assurances
Agreement is signed between User and RentaUAV
RentaUAV prepares system, equipment and spares
RentaUAV trains user flight team
RentaUAV integrates Payload chosen by Customer
RentaUAV performs acceptance flights to show compliance with performance measures
When and if customer provides insurance documents acceptance flights are validated, Rental period starts
Rental Period
RentaUAV delivers system and spares
RentaUAV issues monthly invoices and user starts deposits.
Customer uses systems
Customer performs 50 H and 200 H maintenance locally, RentaUAV provides maintenance kits, upgrades, after sales support
RentaUAV performs 600H MRO at own Facilities.
End of Rental
Customer decides whether or not purchase the system, extend the rental period or end the agreement.
In case end of rental is chosen, Customer sends all systems, equipment and spares back to RentaUAV
A brief summary of the rental System..
Package Contents
How did we decide what a “System” should consist of ?
The rentaUAV team has a very long track record of developing and testing UAVs on the field. The rental system is defined analysing all feedback from customers and users as well as our own flight teams from the field. All system components and operational procedures are designed to reflect our experience of what it would require to operate on a remote location with minimal access. To provide for a smooth and uninterrupted use, the system implements a self-sufficient model where everything is backed up and the team has the training and experience to replace critical components on their own on the field or at their base of operations.
Cost Included
Costs Not Included
Contact Us..
What does the Training look Like ?
RentaUAV provides the teams with class, simulation and on-hands training which lasts for at least a one month and is extended until the trainees are confident they can operate and maintain the System on their own.
The training starts from scratch and does not require a background in aviation or mechanics, although it is probably an advantage to have some.
What if I don’t know exactly what payload I want ?
1. In cases where the user has not decided on a specific payload, Users send
A-techSYN the payloads they desire to evaluate.
2. A-techSYN teams will integrate these payloads of users choice and
purchase to the system and produce test results for the user to support
making a final decision
3. The time spend for this process will be considered part of the Rental
agreement and deducted from the total agreed usage.
What if I need to fly more than covered in the agreement ?
1. Cost of additional flight time is defined in the agreement.
2. Users can fly extras by paying for the additional hours.
What if I need more trained personnel ?
- Training of one team consisting of 3 persons is included in the rental system.
- Any additional teams will be trained at an additional cost by one of our solution partners.
- RentaUAV is currently expanding its Regional Solution Partner Network to provide customers options for locations.
Can I switch between rental periods ?
1. A user always can switch to a longer period rental package, commit to it and start paying the
reduced monthly fee.
2. A user can switch to a shorter period by paying the difference in the monthly installments they
did up until that point.
When do I start to pay ?
1. The Rental period starts with the dispatch of the systems to the user.
2. In cases where the Rental agreement includes an acceptance flight, the user is free to cancel
the agreement with no penalties if A-techSYN can not meet the defined criteria on the rental
What happens at the end of a rental period ?
1. A user can decide on extending the rental period.
2. Users can also decide to purchase the system at a reduced price.
3. Users who do not need to use the systems any more send back all systems, spares and
equipment back to A-techSYN. The rental agreement is canceled when the systems arrive at AtechSYN.
How do I choose my Payload and who integrates it ?
1. Payloads are chosen by the user with inputs from A-techSYN tech Teams.
2. Users can choose between buying and delivering the payloads to A-techSYN or including them
in the rental agreement and renting them with the rest of the system.
3. Payloads are integrated and tested by A-techSYN before delivery
What is the advantage of renting a UAV system vs. buying one ?
1. All costs are converted to OPEX. No big initial capital investment required !
2. Reduction of decision making and purchase processes times.
3. Measurable, strictly defined, clear and definite cost of operation per month.
4. Higher uptimes due to delivery of ready to use, field proven systems and extensive training.
5. Free upgrade and overhaul of systems means users are not stuck with obsolete technology
6. Easy and flexible upscale and downscale of operations
7. Easy to change system configuration during rental
8. Local Stock on critical spares
9. Stock cost and management burden is on A-techSYN.
10.Back-up Systems
11.NRE at no additional cost*
How does the System work during the rental period?
Once you have your system and are ready to fly, you will do so with your own team.
Your team which has gone through a very intense training , will transfer, setup, perform pre- and post-flight checks, prepare the system for mission, perform the mission and transport the system back to your base. The team will be certified to and will perform 50H and 200 H maintenances at your workshop, do minor repairs and solve any malfunctions with the support of rentaUAV teams.
The system comes with all equipment, tools and spares that your team will require to perform their duties, and rentaUAV will also provide you with a critical spares stock just to be used in case there are any problems in logistics or unpredicted maintenance to be performed. Spares and components required to perform 50H and 200 H maintenances will be send by rentaUAV to you during the rental period when they are due.
Every 600 hours, the UAVs will come back to rentaUAV to undergo factory level maintenance. At this stage, the systems will be mostly overhauled and any upgrades that are due will be applied to the systems. The renewed and upgraded UAVs will be flight-tested and sent back to you within 10 days.
request form
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